مدونة منح الدراسية
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04 September 2015

منح لغير الكنديين Scholarships for Non Candian

منح دراسية لغير الكنديين
للدراسات الجامعات الاولية وللدراسات العليا
الان مفتوح التقديم للمنح في جامعة سدني

بالعربي الموقع

Scholarships for international students
The University of Sydney has many scholarships available for international students.
There are also scholarships that are funded by the government and various industries.
Because of the variety of scholarships on offer, the eligibility criteria for each of them are different. Please read through the conditions of the scholarships thoroughly before applying.
Check the information about scholarships on Now Open regularly as many of these are open to international students.
There are also Literary Prizes that may be available for application.
It may also be worthwhile researching scholarship opportunities in your own countries.
There may be industries or government schemes that may be useful for your study at the University of Sydney.
There is no limit to the number of scholarships that you can apply for.
 We encourage you to put in an application for all scholarships that you may be eligible for!
The different categories of scholarships available for international students are:
Undergraduate scholarships
Postgraduate scholarships (coursework and research)

For more information about inbound and outbound scholarship opportunities in specific countries, please visit the Office of Global Engagement.
We wish you all the best and hope you will be able to join us in the University of Sydney!


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